The flip just had twins. This Flip 2.0 has the same awsome gyro PLUS some extra sensors in the same small package.
Radio Connection is now on a simple EZ connect cable. 8 pins
- ATmega328
- MPU6050 (Inversense) 6 axis gyro/accelerometer
- BMP085 Barometer
- HMC5883L Magnetometer
- CP2102 ( USB to UART Data Transfer)
Rx cable color
Ground= Orange
Power (5v) = Blue
Rudder= Red
Elev = Gray
Alie= White
Thr= black
Comes with EZ cable for your radio RX.
Get all the firmware, stick commands, drivers, documents, arunio.
Everything you need to fly in one place!
MWC 2.3
MWC 2.2:
ReadyToflyQuads wiki/help.
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