comes with
one Joystick Controller (Simple Rocker 1.2) for Alexmos [ROCKER12]
one Joystick Controller (Simple Rocker Extension 0.9) for Alexmos [ROCKER09]
Both of the rockers work alone,the Rocker 0.9 works at pwm mode, it supports by all the board, Alexmos 2.2-2.4 and Alexmos32 too. the Rocker 1.2 works at PWM or UART mode. when it works at PWM mode, then it is as same as Rocker0.9. when it works at UART mode, then only 8bit alexmos supports(2.2-2.4 all fine, just doesn’t work on Alexmos32) but we may update the software to give supports on Alexmos 32. Â when you use both boards together, then it works only at UART mode, it supports only 8 bit, Alexmo32 is not supports yet.
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