Use this to get the battery voltage to your mega/mwc boads.
Inline Resistors with JST plug.
Buzzer with wire.
Now change the pin used for the buzzer toggle in def.h. This can be done several ways but this works. Add the three lines in bold and then comment out the other three lines
/************************** all the Mega types ***********************************/
#if defined(MEGA)
#define LEDPIN_PINMODE pinMode (13, OUTPUT);pinMode (30, OUTPUT);
#define LEDPIN_TOGGLE PINB |= (1<<7); PINC |= (1<<7);
#define LEDPIN_ON PORTB |= (1<<7); PORTC |= (1<<7);
#define LEDPIN_OFF PORTB &= ~(1<<7);PORTC &= ~(1<<7);
// #define BUZZERPIN_PINMODE pinMode (32, OUTPUT);
#define BUZZERPIN_PINMODE DDRH |= (1<<5) ;
#define BUZZERPIN_ON PORTH |= (1<<5);
#define BUZZERPIN_OFF PORTH &= ~(1<<5);
#if defined PILOTLAMP
#define PL_PIN_ON PORTC |= 1<<5;
#define PL_PIN_OFF PORTC &= ~(1<<5);
// #define BUZZERPIN_ON PORTC |= 1<<5;
// #define BUZZERPIN_OFF PORTC &= ~(1<<5);
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