This 18A Version uses higher rated top notch fets which are able to withstand higher currents compared to the 12A Version.
Supporting the highest cell count for the Smallest ESC in its class, just 2g bare PCB. 2-6s compatible. Yes . up to SIX cell support.
RTF Bear HugESCs were developed to hug your multicopter frame, maximizing performance, so you can kiss your racing foes goodbye . Featuring ultra light weight construction with excellent thermal properties for an ESC – the MOSFETS are specifically selected to run BLHeli with the least amount of heat production and highest efficiency. Users will need to install wires (INCLUDED).
Clock and Data lines are on “easy” to solder for easy prgamming
BLHeli (multirotor) Installed and Tested
-Reverse motor direction easily
-Supports damped light mode,demag, timming, and countless other settings
– Pads on edge for easy programming ! (see pic)
– Advantages of further advancements in BLHeli by flashing new firmware
-Set other parameters such as beacon, PPM range etc
– Many setting for any motor/battery/prop combo
All Nfets
18Amp constant(In good air flow)
Easy to reach programing pads
2s and 6S Capable (yes. 4S please)
Ultra light weight 2g PCB. couple more grams with all motors and power wires.
400hz and 490hz compatible – DJi, naze32, cc & MultiWii tested with mni motors to 25,000rpm
Size: 22mmX12mm
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