EvvGC is simple 3/2axis, open source brushless gimbal controller based on STM32 and MPU6050. All components are widely available on eBay, Farnell and other stores. STM32F103RC was chosen because it is cheap, has enough processing power even for complex algorithms, and enough timers and other peripheral for 3axis control. Controller uses mosfets instead of L6234. This allows to use small, light weight mosfets(sot23, sot363) for gopro controllers, and bigger mosfets(so8, D2PAK) for DSLR’s, RED’s and other big cameras. Source code is written with KEIL, which has demo version with 32kB of code limitation. Now ~20kB is used, so there is some space left for improvements. ST’s Standard peripheral drivers uses most of the space, therefore low level coding for i2c, timers, uart should reduce code size if needed. Other software could be used, but KEIL is simple to use, and I would like to keep this project as simple as possible. I am not software developer, so code is quite ugly, it is more like draft for further development, also STM32 is quite new for me, but code works and performs quite wel
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