Do not have a computer or out at the field .no Bluetooth ? use your phone to connect directly to a flight controller to change PID settings, or Setup a new radio .
Flip controllers do not need any extra power, the fc will get power from the phone to be able to bind a lemonRX, and get it setup in no time.
cable is a little over 6 feet, to give room to stand with the quad still on the ground
Works with Android 4.0 or later Phones which have OTG (check your cell phone to see if it has OTG – use google)  using  the App Multiwii EZ-GUI from eziosoft is here for  MWii 2.3
Download the PIDS App called EZGUI – not included. or Goto Google “PLAY STORE” on your Android Phone and search for EZ-GUI MultiWii
Connect the long Side to the FC first ; then
Connect this ADAPTER cable to the long cable ; then
Turn on your Radio Tx – (Props off if you are a noob) – safety first
Connect the LiPo to the copter to power up the ESC->FC devices (if needed. smost run of )
LAST – connect THIS short ADAPTER cable to the Phone ‘ then wait 10 secs
Start the MultiWii App called EZ-GUI by Ezio
On your Cell phone – in the App EZ-GUI – Go to MW Settings ; Config ; Select ; Settings ; If your device is Andoid 4.0 or later and is OTG compatible you will seeBluetooth/SerialPort/Wifi -> select Serial Port ; then OTHER (CDC/ACM) and make sure the BAUD = 115200
hit return to restart the app
after the app starts ; press MW connect – you should see 115200 flash up and connected at the bottom of the screen
swipe right-to-left once to get to PID
If it’s working you will immediately see all the PID data
to make a change press the number ; change it and press OK; then press the Red UP arrow ; Send Data to Flight controller “YES”
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