These ESC’s have the SimonK Bootloader enabled so they can easily be flashed using the USB Linker/afro linker/Nano linker tools.
- 2s-4s LIpo
- Oneshot capable (automatic detection)
- damped light enabled, (as option)
- Â fast high side switching
- no big radial electrolytic capacitor
- 20A continuous 30 A Bust
Flashed with newest BlHeli firmware installed and tested!
RTF Hug+ VH 20A ESCs brings the reliability and dependability you have come to expect from the hugsESCs series but with more power! In a light package, featuring damped light and Oneshot capability.  Many months in testing we wanted to bring something that will keep hugging you for more when you push your quad to the limits., We tested many Mosfets and picked the best ones for active braking properties . The new Hug+ HV are the ultimate ESC for miniquad racing and freestyle racing, now 4s supported.  They are made for Racing MultiCopters – specifically to run at 4S. They also feature ultra light weight construction with excellent thermal properties for a ESC – the MOSFETS are specifically selected to run with the least amount of heat production and highest efficiency. For Cleanflight ,Baseflight, Tau Labs, MultiWii, any flight code which is OneShot enabled – these ESCs are OneShot auto-detect ready. Download software hereThe RTF 20Amp ESC BL-Heli ships out pre-programmed and optimized for best performance – pre-configured – OneShot is included/ready autodected. ESCs are shipped ready to go – flashed with BLHeli 14 and damped light enabled (option). I highly recommend picking up USB programmer to change any settings. These are opto, so do not forget a RTF 1V-17V ADJUSTABLE VOLTAGE REGULATOR
Enable Racing Mode! (Dampened Light Supported)
Enable racing mode to change over 10 Settings for maximum performance:Â : PWM Frequency/Damped, Motor Timing, Beacon strength/Delay,PPM MIN/MAX Throttle are set to maximum performance! Â Pair with a Flip32 for automatic detection of all the advantages of Oneshot123
The main advantages of BL-Heli software is the use Active free wheel and active braking (PWM Damping) Dampened Light – is OneShot ready for Flip32 – this actively slows the prop/motor down on one side of your Quad, while speeding the prop on the other – without “active-braking” the prop has to slow by inertia and drag alone – this DAMPING Light mode puts the brakes on – the Racing Quad handles better – but you must also increase “P” slowly in 0.1 increments to see the full benefits. Boot-loader enabled! This means all the settings can be changed over the servo cable with a simple pro mini+ftdi combo
These ESC’s have the SimonK Bootloader enabled so they can easily be flashed using the USB Linker/afro linker/Nano linker tools.
- Oneshot capable (automatic detection)
- damped light enabled, (as option)
- Â fast high side switching
- no big radial electrolytic capacitor
- 20A continuous 30 A Bust
We also have units pre-soldered with all the wires soldered. PWM, Power, and motor wires solder and ready to go.
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