ReadyToFlyQuad – 20-50S -1088kva – ShortShaft w/NMB™ miniature metric bearings
The  ReadytoFly 175w motors specifically for small 3S/4S multicopters –  20AWG silicon wires right from the core windings.  Multicopters control their flight by rapidly changing RPM every few deci-seconds – so these motor is light weight and uses a light weight prop and prop adapter.  These ReadToFly Motors are custom wound copper packed in tight to give a kva of 1088ka.  This makes them work well on 4S  using a 0845 slow fly prop or 3s 9045 props. Built with high end NMB™ miniature metric bearings for long lasting life, and smoother performance.
Custom  short shaft To fit all type of frames. Make anything Tri, quad to Y6, Y4,X8 possible
CCW and CW Bolt on style threaded prop adapter for a secure flight. never lose another propeller again! Fly with condifence!
- Ultimate NMB™ bearings -USA – Short shaft
- Light weight Bell -for super faster RPM changes
- hacker Style Brushless Outrunner 20-50S
- Dimentions: 22x28mm
- 175w motor made for Multicopters (tested to 280w peak)
- Jet Black color
- Superior windings 28Turns 12N14P
- Rating: 1088kv
- Battery Config: 3/4Lipo
- Shaft: 3.175mm
- Weight: 29gr
- Standard Current: 2-6A
- Max Current: 8A
- Suggested Prop: 9×3.8/3Lipo or 8 inch/4Lipo
Prop Data:
A20-50S (1088KV) with 8×4.5 Gaui prop
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