- 3.2.0: Programmable inverter on UART3 (controlled by PC9) is configured, but not activated by default as it interfere with other usages of PC9; users must activate it byÂ
resource INVERTER 3 C09
- Variant of OMNIBUS F4 Pro (OMNIBUSF4SD target). Please refer to OMNIBUS F4 wiki page for additional information.
- Still uses OMNIBUSF4SD target.
- Two dual inverters, on UART3 (controlled by PC9) and UART6 (controlled by PC8); supports SBUS and native SmartPort (requires a diode for SmartPort).
- UART1_RX can be connected to ESC telemetry via jumper.
- STM32 F405 MCU (Spi connected to Gyro)
- ICM20608 (the 6 axis SPI Gyrometer + Accelerometer)
- “Drag and Drop” OSD (configured over Betaflight UI)
- D-shot Support
- Build 12- layer level PDB
- Able tune your pids via transmitter/Video via SmartAudio
- 5v1.5a Clean Sbec /w On-Board Video Filter
- Built-in Current Sensor voltage + rssi + buzzer as pins
- SmartAudio
- Barometer (SPI Baro)
- OSD Configation has been incl. in Betaflight GUI.
- LIPO direct input (2-6S).
- 30x30mm mounting holes w/ M3 holes
# Betaflight / OMNIBUSF4SD (OBSD) 3.2.0 Aug 28 2017 / 12:02:37 (b2cd7294e)# resourcesresource SERIAL_TX 1 NONEresource SERIAL_TX 11 A09resource INVERTER 3 C09# featurefeature SOFTSERIALfeature TELEMETRYfeature ESC_SENSOR# serialserial 0 1024 115200 57600 0 115200serial 2 64 115200 57600 0 115200serial 5 32 115200 57600 0 115200serial 30 2048 115200 57600 0 115200# masterset serialrx_provider = SBUSset current_meter = ESCset battery_meter = ADCset tlm_halfduplex = OFF
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