The Quadrino ZoomFlight Controller is a ready-to-fly alternative to the complicated process of gathering the many separate pieces required to make a MultiWii multi-rotorcopter. The flight characterstics of the MutliWii system are very very good. Aerobatic flight such as loops, rolls, etc, are fast and predictable. Autolevel mode works very well for FPV. Since the Quadrino uses the open source MultiWii firmware programmers have access to make any changes they like to the source code. The Quadrino is perfect for hardware hackers or programmers want to experiment with flight controllers or even write their own control software.
The Quadrino Zoom includes the Arduino micro-controller, Gyro, Accelerometer, Barometer, Magnetometer and on-board usb interface. Plugin your radio receiver channels and ESC motor wires and you are ready-to- fly.
The Quadrino supports all MultiWii features such as auto-level mode (acc mode), heading hold (mag mode), and altitude hold (baro). There is a cheaper alternative that removes the magnetometer and barometer. If you are currently flying a GAUI 344 or KK board you will be shocked at the improvement!
Feature & Benefits
• 100% fully arduino compatible. (based on Arduino Nano v3)
• Uses stock MultiWii source code (Currently version 1.9) requiring only a few #define parameters to be set based on your setup.
• MPU6050 combined Gyro and Accellerometer sensor
• Ms6511Barometer.
• HMC5883 Magnetometer.
• 400KHz I2C bus supported.
• Servo ports for camera mounts (SRV1 & SRV2). For camera stabilization.
• Works in Quad+, QuadX and also Tri or Hex/Y6 copters.
• Mini-USB connector on board – direct connection!
• Protection diode prevents USB from powering ESCs/motors, but powers receiver.
• Forget the datasheet at home, all headers, signals, and diagrams are labeled on the PCB!
• 62mil PCB is strong and sturdy to survive hard crashes or rough landings.
• 8 mounting holes support most standard mounts.
• Lower control-loop cycle time than popular Wii/nunchuk units translates to more stable flight. (avg. 2500 versus 4500.)
• Wiring can be pulled up through the center of the PCB for less wire mess.
Units are now shipping with the new MPU6050 combined Gyro and Accellerometer sensor. Units with the new combo sensor will have the ACC sensor position on the board unpopulated. Bosch Sensortech has discontinued the BMA180 accellerometer with no compatible substitute so the switch to the MPU6050 was required. There is no difference between the operation of the two sensors. (The MPU6050 sensor has some stated features for pre-computing the ACC/Gyro sensor data but documentation of these features are currently withheld by the manufacturer and are thus not used by MultiWii.)
Firmware filles. Upto date.
Download MultiWii V2.1 for Quadrino Zoom “Rev 1E” with MPU6050Â
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